- Educational Academic Research
- Issue:21
- SOZDEN SOYLEME: `AVRUPALI GOZVYLE TVRKiYE VE TURK KiMLiGi`/ from word to discourse: `turkey and the ...
SOZDEN SOYLEME: `AVRUPALI GOZVYLE TVRKiYE VE TURK KiMLiGi`/ from word to discourse: `turkey and the turkish identity from the viewpoint of europeans`
Authors : Ozber CAN
Pages : 0-0
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Publication Date : 2013-01-27
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Bilindigi gibi 90k sayzda konunun temelinde Dogu-Batz 9alz§masz ve kimlik/er yatmakta; ayrzcalzklar, dogu§u ve geli§me sure9leriyle geni§ sosyo/ojik ara§tzrmalar gerektimzektedir. Bu 9er9evede ara§lzrmamzz, Batz \`nzn TUrkiye ve TUrk insanzna bala§znz, yargzsznz, soy/em birligini irdelemeyi ama9lamaktadzr. insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(:unkU Avrupa \`nzn kendisini uygarlzklar oncusu, Avrupalzyz saygzn insan, Doguyu hoyratlzk ve duyarlzlzk U/kesi, Doguluyu oz bilin9 yoksunu gormesi, sosya/ ve ideo/ojik o/ay/ara dayandmlmaktadzr. Bu maka/ede bu savzn bir saygznlzk arayl§l mz, yoksa yerle§ik kaygzlar sonrasznda geli§tirilen bir yargz mz oldugu Almanya ornegiyle apklanmaya 9alz§z/acaktzr. Anahtar Siizcukler: Soy/em, onyargz, kimlik, Turkiye, Turk. So far as it known that the East-west conflict and identities lie at the heart of. many issues; privilages -with their birth and development processes- necessitates wide sociological researches. Within this framework, the current study aims to investigate the viewpoint, judgement and discourseunity of the West towards Turkey and Turkish people. Because Europe sees itself as theforerunner of civilization and t e European as the respectful man and East as a country of clumsiness and the Eastern deprived of self cosciousness has been depended on social and ideological events. In this article whether this assertion is a search for respect or a judgement due to resident worries will be explored through the Germany case. Key words: Discourse, prejudge, zdentity, Turkey, Turc.Keywords :