- Electronic Letters on Science and Engineering
- Volume:15 Issue:2 Special Issue
- BSW2019 (Eighth Bozok Science Workshop)
BSW2019 (Eighth Bozok Science Workshop)
Authors : Mustafa BÖYÜKATA
Pages : 1-39
View : 8 | Download : 4
Publication Date : 2020-12-29
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :This special issue of Electronic Letters on Science & Engineering insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(e-LSE);, An International open Access Journal, includes the abstracts of the presentations at the workshop, BSW2019 insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(Eighth Bozok Science Workshop); held during July 25-27, 2019 at Yozgat Bozok University, Yozgat, Turkey. At the workshop the discussions were based on active researches from basic to several applied fields. The fundamental scientific philosophy behind the meeting, Bozok Science Workshops, is the stimulation of cross-disciplinary flow of knowledge and expertise from both the experimental and theoretical standpoints. At the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh workshops the main topics were chosen as `Boron studies in nano-scale` for BSW2010, `Computational Chemical Physics` for BSW2011, `Computational Studies on Structure and Dynamics from Nuclei to Biological Molecules` for BSW2012, `Studies on Structure and Dynamics from Nuclei to Clusters` for BSW2013, “Nano Carbon Materials and Their Applications” for BSW2016, “Studies from Nuclei to Nanomaterials with Applications” for BSW2017 and “Boron and Boron Containing Nanomaterials with Applications” for BSW2017, respectively. However, any special topic was not chosen for BSW2019. We believe that the meeting is well-known and mainly similar studies can be come together by means of this platform. The studies on boron, computational chemical physics, atomic/molecular and cluster systems were still welcome again to BSW2019. As for the workshop planned to be held as BSW2019; the abstracts are prepared as a special issue of e-LSE. All referees have been selected from the Scientific Committee of BSW2019, consisting with national and international experts. In order to take part at the above-mentioned special issue; presenting the selected abstract by applicant is the main principle. By means of the workshop and this special issue of e-LSE, we hope to give opportunity to the authors to improve the quality of their works also give the same opportunity to the referees to make critics and to be aware of the active studies submitted to the meeting. This e-LSE issue may be a good reference material and be a great source for the experts who are interested in the discussed topics. I am pleased to be Editor of this special issue of e-LSE. I would like to thank to the Scientific Committee for the generous support for recommending invited lectures, subjects and sharing their opinion to improve the workshop. Especially, I would like to thank to the members accepting my invitations to be referee for selecting the abstracts for this volume, and to the members of the Organizing Committee for their help. Finally, I would like to thank to Founding Editor Dr. Feyzullah Temurtaş for giving me this opportunity and helping me in managing this issue.Keywords : boron, computational chemical physics, atomic molecular, cluster systems