Rushton Hiyalin Cisimli Odontogen Kist; bir vaka bildirisi
Authors : Melih TAHSİNOĞLU, Kemal YÜCE, Sedat ÇÖLOĞLU
Pages : 340-344
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Publication Date : 2013-06-14
Article Type : Other Papers
Abstract :ÖZET 48 yaşındaki bir erkekte sol üst çemsde 5-6 yıldan beri ağrı veren bir lezyo-nun klinik ve radyolojik incelenmesinde, küçük asılardan kaynağını almış rediküler kist bulundu. Mikroskop iık olarak kist epitelinde Rushton hiyalin cîsimIeri görüldü. Konu ile ilgili literatür gözden geçirildi. SUMMARY In this article, a case of Rusihton hyalin bodied odontogenic cyst was reported. The patient was male, and 48 years old. He had pain on the left maxilla of 5-6 years duration. Radiologic examination showed a cystic mass associated with a tooth, which had granular calcification. The lesion is excised and examined microscopically. The bodies in the cyst were of varied morphology, as described by Rushton. There were foci of dystrophic calcification in some areas.Keywords :