Tasavvuf Edebiyatında İçki Kavramına Giriş ve Yunus Emre Örneği
Authors : M. A. Yekta SARAÇ
Pages : 135-154
View : 9 | Download : 7
Publication Date : 2014-02-12
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :lt is necessary to redefine some of the important classical terms and concepts in order to understand the Divan poetry in a more detailed way. One of them is the concept of `wine`. This work concerns analysis and interpretation of this concept within its all associations and it also shows how the changes in its meaning has took place through the passage of time. The results gathered from texts have been compared to the similar elements in the Divan of Yunus Emre.Keywords : Divan Poetry, Poetry, Sufi Literature, Wine, Yunus Emre