- A. Âsaui atyndaġy Halyk̦aralyk̦ k̦azak̦-tùrìk universitetìnìn̦ habaršysy
- Issue:124
«ТІЛ ЖӘНЕ МӘДЕНИЕТ» КОНТЕКСІНДЕ ТҮРКІ ТІЛДЕРІН ҮЙРЕТУДІҢ МАҢЫЗЫ (қазақ және түрік тілдерінің оқулықтары бойынша)
Pages : 207-220
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Publication Date : 2022-06-30
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :This article examines the relevance of the context «language and culture» in teaching the Kazakh and Turkish languages. The main part of the article examines the works of domestic and foreign scientists on the topic, discusses the inextricable link between culture and language, on the basis of which the importance of teaching culture through language, language through culture is determined. Textbooks of the Kazakh and Turkish languages have been taken as objects of research. According to textbooks for teaching the Turkic languages, a statistical analysis of the significance of teaching national and cultural vocabulary, including zoonymic vocabulary, has been carried out, in particular, the content of texts insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(basic, additional, explanatory); related to zoonyms, the availability of related materials insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(exercises and tasks, analysis, synthesis, selection and questions for systematization);, types of tasks for texts insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(creative, practical, project, practice-oriented); related to zoonyms. The analysis and discussion of ways of expressing and studying the cultural life of a native speaker forming language skills in language learners through the development of zoonymic vocabulary shows the importance of the research. As a result of this research, the conclusion is made about the importance of taking into account the cultural life of the nation when studying concepts related to animal names in the lexical fund of the Turkic peoples. According to the results of statistical analysis, it is proposed that textbooks for teaching the Kazakh and Turkish languages include more culturological texts and text tasks related to the animal world. Teaching Kazakh and Turkish languages on the basis of the relationship between «language and culture» is recognized as worthy of today`s educational paradigms.Keywords : linguoculturology, the science of culture, zoonymic vocabulary, zoonymic code