Tarih ve ?Tarih Dışı? Arasında Gelenek
Authors : İlhami GÜLER
Pages : 0-50
View : 6 | Download : 3
Publication Date : 2009-01-25
Article Type : Other Papers
Abstract :Tradition is something inherited from history which shows itself in many forms like world view, doctrine, ideology, etc. There have always been more than one tradition. What makes tradition come alive is race, language, geography, climate, natural habitat, life experiences, etc. Should any tradition proves that it contains mostly things of the past, i.e. signs of out of date, it must be abandoned. Because it does have no longer any ability to support basis of any thought; or else, it should be sustained. This article discusses main traits which determines whether any tradition deserve to be sustained or not on the one hand and deals with the concept of ?history? and ?meta-history? on the othKeywords :