Interviewing With a Shadow: Agricultural Trade Chain in Kyrgyzstan
Authors : Nilay Ökten Kemaloğlu, Elifcan Çoruk
Pages : 1-11
View : 76 | Download : 122
Publication Date : 2024-06-30
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Kyrgyzstan is considered as one of the territorially smallest but politically highly challenging countries in the Central Asia. In the first section of the article readers can find the main concerns and the method that is used in the study before it comes to the point of having political economic background of the country in the next part. As the aim of this work is to understand and analyse the agricultural trade chain and how the shadow economy is taking place in the market, within the scope of this study, in-depth interviews as part of a field study were conducted in Bishkek and its findings were examined after giving the theoretical and historical background. In the fourth and the last section, Kyrgyzstan’s international status is studied and with a conclusion part where an overall assessment was gathered, the study will come to an end.Keywords : Kırgızistan, siyasi istikrarsızlık, yasa dışı ticaret, kayıt dışı ekonomi, tarım