Research on Self-Compassion in Primary School Administrators
Authors : Halime Güngör, Muammer Değirmendere
Pages : 18-27
View : 89 | Download : 87
Publication Date : 2024-01-15
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :The aim of this research is to search administrators’ views who have been working in public primary schools in Bursa on self-compassion. This research is designed in survey model from descriptive research methods. A quantitative research design was used. According to MEB statistics of 2021-2022, sample of research consists of 192 administrators working in official primary schools in Bursa. Personal information form and the Self-Compassion Scale were used as data collection tools in the research. According to research results, views of administrators on self-compassion did not differ statistically significantly according to branch, professional seniority, managerial seniority, age and education level. Thus, in the over-identification sub-dimension, the views of the administrators differed significantly by education level. The average of views of administrators who graduated from a master\'s program other than educational administration on the dimension of over-identification of self-compassion was higher than the views of the undergraduate administrators and the views of the undergraduate administrators were higher than the views of the education administration graduate administrators. It can be said that the fact that the administrator has a master\'s degree in educational administration, makes a difference in awareness in the dimension of over-identification regarding self-compassion.Keywords : İlkokul, yöneticiler, öz duyarlık, öz sevecenlik, öz yargılama, aşırı özdeşleşme