- Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları (HÜTAD)
- Issue:1
- Küreselleşme Karşıtları ya da Aşağıdan Küreselleşmeciler, Kimler? Ne İstiyorlar?
Küreselleşme Karşıtları ya da Aşağıdan Küreselleşmeciler, Kimler? Ne İstiyorlar?
Authors : Hayati BEŞİRLİ
Pages : 123-134
View : 11 | Download : 9
Publication Date : 2004-12-01
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Various discussions on globalization focus on the direction of globalization and its results. In this process, many formations have been defined with the actions they exhibit. In the groups defined as globalization opposing, points of objects are on the form of globalization. However, when analyzing the wishes theyexpress, it will be seen that such formations are for alternative globalization rather than globalization opposing formations. Those who oppose globalization, also known as alternative globalization supporters, make use of bottom up globalization concept as a concept expressing their viewpoints and express themselves as activists. Among such formations can be considered ATTAC, World Social Form, Greenpeace.Keywords : Globalization, Globalization from below, ATTAC, World Social Forum