- Usul İslam Araştırmaları
- Issue:22
- The Inclusion of Sunna`s Concept for the companions` actions at Hanafi school
The Inclusion of Sunna`s Concept for the companions` actions at Hanafi school
Authors : Editörden
Pages : 87-114
View : 11 | Download : 6
Publication Date : 2014-12-01
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :This research deals with the issue of the inclusion of the Sunna`s con- cept for the companions` actions which are one of the most important pillars in the construction of the Hanafi school that depended on the guidance of the Compan- ions, the companions` actions represent cogency and evidence at them. The re- search shows the companion`s cogency at Hanafi school with examples about that. Then the researcher talks about the Inclusion of Sunna`s Concept for the compan- ions` actions at Sallaf. Also the researcher explains the approach is adopted by the companions and followers which is considered the Prophet approach, then the re- searcher talked widening about the Sunna`s Concept for the companions` actions at Hanafi school by Sunna definition, and showing how sayings of the Compan- ions are evidence in the Sunni. Finally, the research concluded by mentioning the Hanafi evidence in considering the Companions` sayings and actions are SunnaKeywords :