- Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi
- Volume:12 Issue:2
- Yaşlılık Döneminin Önemli Sağlık Sorunlarından Biri: Düşme ve Düşmeyi Etkileyen Faktörler...
Yaşlılık Döneminin Önemli Sağlık Sorunlarından Biri: Düşme ve Düşmeyi Etkileyen Faktörler
Authors : Dilek KILIÇ, Gülnaz ATA, Ayla HENDEKCİ
Pages : 517-523
View : 23 | Download : 13
Publication Date : 2021-04-01
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Purpose:This study was conducted to determine the fall and factors affecting the fall in elderly individuals. Patients and Methods:The population of the descriptive-cross-sectional study, individuals aged 65 and over, registered in the Family Health Centers in the city center of Erzurum; The sample was composed of 373 elderly who applied to the relevant centers between April 2019 and June 2019 and agreed to participate in the study. The data of the study; It was collected using “Information Form on Socio-Demographic Features”, “Information Form on General Health Status” and “Information Form on Falling Status”. The data was analysed the done using number, percent and chi-square test in SPSS 22.00 package program. Results:Of the elderly participats in the research; 76.9% were 65-74 years old, 55.8% were women and 44.5% graduated from primary school. According to the study, 24.9% of elderly individuals have fallen in the past year, 8.6% have had recurrent falls in the past 6 months. In addition, 45.8% of older individuals stated that they had a fear of falling. It was determined that the last year\\\`s drop rates of the elderly were statistically different according to age group, utility vehicle use and presence of chronic disease insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(p<0.05);. The fear of falling in older individuals was found to be statistically different according to age group, gender, educational status, marital status, working status and continuous drug use insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(p<0.05);. Conclusion:According to the study, nearly a quarter of the elderly experienced a fall in the past year and half experience a fear of falling. Elderly people who use auxiliary tool and have chronic disease have higher fall rates in the past year. Women, unmarried, unemployed, and those who use medicines constantly have higher fear of falling.Keywords : Falling, nurse, health, elderly