- Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi
- Issue:2
- İki Defa Endoskopik Sinüs Cerrahisi Geçirmiş Kronik Sinüzitli Hastanın Revizyon Nedenleri: Olgu Sunu...
İki Defa Endoskopik Sinüs Cerrahisi Geçirmiş Kronik Sinüzitli Hastanın Revizyon Nedenleri: Olgu Sunumu
Authors : Burak ERTAŞ, Hasan Murat TANYERİ
Pages : 118-121
View : 26 | Download : 11
Publication Date : 2010-06-01
Article Type : Other Papers
Abstract :45 years-old male, presented to our clinic with yellow nasal discharge, facial fullness, and gradually increasing nasal obstruction for the last 6 years. He underwent functional endoscopic sinus surgery FESS twice in the past. In the endoscopic examination, posterior nasal septal deviation and hypertrophic polipoid mucosa extending to the osteomeatal unit was diagnosed. The bilateral inferior turbinates were hypertrophic. CT results had showed right maxillary opacity, accessory osteum, and bilateral mucosal thickening in the ethmoidal cells. The uncinat process was more prominent in the right side, but it was present in the left side as well. CT also revealed, the right posterior septal spin extending to the osteomeatal unit. The patient underwent revision FESS, septoplasty and bilateral endoscopic inferior turbinate reduction. His symptoms compeletely resolved evidencing negative CT scan findings of chronic sinusitis in 2 years, fallowing the operation post-operative follow-up. The ineffective previous surgical treatment results in accentuated recurrent chronic sinusitis. The disintegrated corrupted anatomy of the osteomeatal unit facilitates recurrent sinusitis. Applying fundamentals of FESS to the osteomeatal unit, establishes persistent free of symptom and disease stateKeywords : revision, deviation, sinusitis, obstruction