- Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi
- Issue:3
- Nörobilim, Nöroteknoloji, Yalan Tespiti ve Etik
Nörobilim, Nöroteknoloji, Yalan Tespiti ve Etik
Authors : Mehmet ERGEN, Yeşim Işıl ÜLMAN
Pages : 149-156
View : 20 | Download : 15
Publication Date : 2012-09-01
Article Type : Other Papers
Abstract :Law and security institutions have always been interested in scientifically proven objective detection of deception. Since the era of polygraphy, efforts to optimize current devices and adaptation of new equipments for deception detection has been on progress. Among these new instruments, functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI is very popular and its high technology, high cost and sophisticated evaluation might be causing an overestimation of its validity. Today, lie-detection using fMRI is being offered for commercial use. Including recent methods like voice stress analysis and image-analysis of high resolution camera recordings, many several methods fail to reach a satisfactory success rate or some of them reported to have success about 90% is criticized for their limited data from simulating volunteers in laboratory environment. Current data from lie-detection studies do not meet standards for complete validity, authenticity and applicability in practice. Enrollment of these unconfirmed detection methods on human and its potential feature of the intrusion into cognitive brain processes without consent and against free will are the two subjects raising ethical concerns. Neuroethics addresses these issues by a concept as “cognitive liberty” which has not been adequately discussed in public spheres; and controversial issues seem to get expanded with the demand for lie-detectionKeywords : lie detection, neuroscience, neurophysiology, ethical issues