- Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi
- Issue:3
- Klinik Özellikleri Farklı İki Herpetik Özofajit Olgusu
Klinik Özellikleri Farklı İki Herpetik Özofajit Olgusu
Pages : 184-186
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Publication Date : 2012-09-01
Article Type : Other Papers
Abstract :The commonest type of viral esophagitis is herpetic esophagitis. It is generally seen in the immunocompromised patients with underlying malignancy, AIDS or taking immunosuppressive therapy. However, it has also been reported in the immunocompetent individual. Endoscopical findings can suggest candidiasis or can be confused with malignancy. In this report we will present histopathological features of herpetic esophagitis, which can display different clinical pictures, in two cases. Fifty one year old-male patient using inhaler steroid for 3 months because of bronchiolitis obliterans presented with dysphagia. Endoscopic investigation revealed large ulcers at the distal end of Z-line. The second case is 56 year-old female patient taking hemodialysis treatment for 3 years because of lupus nephritis. The patient who had been treated with oral steroid for 2 months presented with dysphagia. Endoscopic investigation revealed multiple ulcers with hemorrhagic foci throughout the esophagus. In both cases histopathologically several epithelial cells containing intranuclear inclusions surrounded with clear halo, intermixed with multinuclear giant cells and dense mixed type inflammatory cells are detected. No evidence of malignancy has been detected. The cases have been given a diagnosis of herpetic esophagitis. Since immunocompetent cases as well as immunocompromised patients presenting with dysphagia can have herpetic esophagitis, and ulcers which can be confused with malignancy can be seen in this disorder, this diagnosis should be kept in mind in differential diagnosisKeywords : Herpes simplex, esophagitis