- Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi
- Issue:1
- Adjuvan Kemoradyoterapi Uygulanan Mide Kanserli Hastalarda Prognostik Faktörler
Adjuvan Kemoradyoterapi Uygulanan Mide Kanserli Hastalarda Prognostik Faktörler
Authors : Vildan KAYA, Aylin Fidan KORCUM, Mustafa YILDIRIM, Melek Gamze AKSU, Hasan MUTLU, Beyza Şirin ÖZDEMİR, Ali Aydın YAVUZ
Pages : 21-24
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Publication Date : 2015-03-01
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Aim: Gastric cancer is a progressive disease. Although surgery is the only curative treatment, recurrence can occur. In our study, clinicopathologic prognostic factors are investigated in gastric cancer patients who underwent adjuvant chemoradiotherapy.Material and Method: The patients that underwent postoperative 5-FU based chemotherapy and concurrent radiotherapy between the years of 2008-2011 in Medical School, have been examined. Results: In this study, 25 female 31.6% and 54 male patients 68.4% from a total of 79 patients are included. The main follow-up period was 21.5±14.1 3.8- 87.6 months. Patients 2-year survival and 3-year survival rate was found as 63.8% and 39.3%, respectively. In research of overall survival with multivariate analyses, no relationship was established between survival and gender, age, depth of tumor invasion, histological grade and histological subtype p=0.358, p=0.156, p=0.223, p=0.939 . In contrast, statistical significance was found between overall survival and lymph node status of patients and stage of disease p=0.002, p=0.003 .Conclusions: In our study, which is consistent with literature, it was revealed that the stage of disease and lymph node status are the most important prognostic factors for both disease free survival and overall survivalKeywords : gastric cancer, chemoradiotherapy, prognosis, stage, lymph node