Sinüs Perikrani: Olgu Sunumu
Authors : Ibrahim SUN, Aydın SAV, Selçuk PEKER
Pages : 58-60
View : 27 | Download : 18
Publication Date : 2015-03-01
Article Type : Other Papers
Abstract :Sinus pericranii is an unusual vascular anomaly of the scalp. Sinus pericranii is characterized by a circumscribed fluctuating vascular swelling of the scalp. It directly communicates with the intracranial venous system. This pathology is mostly seen in the pediatric age group.This condition was first reported by Percivall Pott in 1760, in a patient treated for a skull fracture 1 . Hecker used the term of “varix spurius circumscriptus venae diploicae frontalis ” to describe this entity in 184 2 . In this paper, we report a 25-year-old male patient with sinus pericranii and its treatmentKeywords : sinus pericranii, surgery, vascular anomaly