- Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi
- Issue:2
- Çocuk Hemşirelerinde Mesleki Profesyonel Değerler
Çocuk Hemşirelerinde Mesleki Profesyonel Değerler
Authors : Aynur Yazıcı SORUCUOĞLU, Fatma Güdücü TÜFEKCİ
Pages : 105-109
View : 25 | Download : 13
Publication Date : 2015-06-01
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Objective: To evaluate professional values in pediatric nurses and to determine the factors that affect.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive research, pediatric nurses who agreed to participate N=224 were studied in the children’s clinics of three universities and five teaching and research hospital in Ankara, without sampling method between the July-December 2013. In collecting the data, a questionnaire that determines the characteristics of nurses and Nurses’Professional Values Scale was used. The data were analyzed using percentage distributions, mean, variance analysis and t-test. It has been obeyed to the ethical principals in the research.Results: It has been found that in this study, professional values of pediatric nurses who single pKeywords : pediatric nurse, occupational professionalism