- Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi
- Issue:4
- Kardiyopulmoner Resüsitasyon Eğitiminde Kullanılan İki Farklı Değerlendirme Yönteminin Öğrenme Sürec...
Kardiyopulmoner Resüsitasyon Eğitiminde Kullanılan İki Farklı Değerlendirme Yönteminin Öğrenme Sürecine Etkisinin İncelenmesi
Pages : 690-695
View : 26 | Download : 9
Publication Date : 2019-12-01
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Aim: This study aims to examine the impact of two different assessment methods used in cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR training.Materials and Methods: The semi-experimental study was conducted with nursing students taking first-aid lessons in the 2014-2015 academic year at a university. All the participants agreed to the study. Data were collected by the Socio-Demographic Characteristics Questionnaire Form and a CPR Skills Assessment Form. The students in the study were separated into two groups and were given firstaid training. Students applied CPR practice in a skills laboratory after the training. The CPR Practice of Group I n=35 was recorded by a video camera. Then each student observed and assessed themselves using the self-assessment method to obtain the first mean score. At the second stage, the students who watched the video recording repeated the CPR practice and were assessed by the trainer and the second practice score obtained. The CPR practice of students in Group II n=35 was assessed by the feedback method given by a single trainer and the first practice scores were obtained. At the second stage, the students repeated the CPR practice and the second practice score was obtained. The data were assessed using the SPSS program.Results: The mean age of the students included in the study was 20.82±1.28. Of the participants, 82.9% were female and 90% had completed regular high school. As a result of the study, a statistically significant difference was found between the first and second practice scores pKeywords : CPR, nursing student, video recording