- Acıbadem Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi
- Issue:2
- İntörn Öğrencilerin Hasta Güvenliği Tutum ve Kültürlerinin Tıbbi Hata Durumlarına Etkisi
İntörn Öğrencilerin Hasta Güvenliği Tutum ve Kültürlerinin Tıbbi Hata Durumlarına Etkisi
Authors : Gülbahtiyar DEMİREL, Özlem AKGÜN, Adem DOĞANER
Pages : 276-283
View : 24 | Download : 10
Publication Date : 2020-06-01
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Objective: This study was conducted to determine the effect of patient safety attitudes and cultures on medical errors in intern students studying health sciences OR: studying in health sciences faculty .Materials and Methods: The sample of this descriptive and cross-sectional study composed of intern students n=624 people; Nursing, Midwifery and Health Management Department, Dentistry, Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy studying health sciences during the 2017–2018 academic year at Cumhuriyet University. The data were collected by the “Student Description Form”, “Patient Safety Culture Scale PSCS ” and “The Safety Attitudes Questionnaire SAQ ”. Median min-max , percentage distribution and Kruskal-Wallis test were used for statistical evaluation.Results: Of senior students in the study, 24% of them are from medical faculty, 11.1% from dentistry faculty, 35.6% from the department of nursing, 11.4% from the department of midwifery, 15.2% from the department of health management and 2.7% of them are from the faculty of pharmacy. In terms of patient safety, the most common medical errors made by students are drug errors 50.8% and communication errors 24.4% . The most common drug errors made by the students are giving the wrong medication 16.7% and giving the wrong dose of medication 14.8% . The culture 2.88 1.00–3.90 and attitudes 160 81.00–193.00 of students towards patient safety are positively above the average. Those who perform fall-related errors and drug errors have a more negative patient safety culture score. In terms of scale scores, the most negative course was performed by the ones giving the wrong drugs to patients among the error types made with the drug. The attitude towards patient safety between intern pharmacy and medical students is more negative than the other departments pKeywords : Patient safety, student, medical error