- Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
- Volume:11 Issue:1
- Kuşadali Mustafa b. Hamza (Adalı), Netaicu'I-Efkar adlı Eseri ve Kendisine Yöneltilen Eleştiriler...
Kuşadali Mustafa b. Hamza (Adalı), Netaicu'I-Efkar adlı Eseri ve Kendisine Yöneltilen Eleştiriler
Pages : 153-171
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Publication Date : 2007-06-15
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Kusadali Muhammed b. Hamza is one of the ottoman sclıolars who lived in llth. century. He didn't write many books but he became a fariıous scholar especially· he is known by his book named Netaicu'lefkar. This book is one of the sharhs written on Imam Birgivi's(981/1573) Izharu'l-esrar. Netaicu'l-efkar got very important place in teaching syntax of Arabic language. But it criticized by other scholars from different aspects and this sametimes let to written other sharhs on Izharu'l-esrar.Keywords : Kuşadalı Mustafa b Hamza, Adalı, Netaicu'l efkar, İzharu'l esrar, Nahiv, Arapça