- Dinbilimleri Akademik Araştırma Dergisi
- Volume:24 Issue:2
- Safevîler Dönemi İmamiyye Şîasındaki Tasavvuf Eleştirilerinin Tematik Bir Analizi
Safevîler Dönemi İmamiyye Şîasındaki Tasavvuf Eleştirilerinin Tematik Bir Analizi
Authors : Tahir Uluç, Sinan Yılmaz
Pages : 509-541
View : 207 | Download : 149
Publication Date : 2024-09-30
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :This study provides a thematic analysis of some of the criticisms of Sufism within the Iranian-Shi\'i tradition since the Safavid period. These criticisms primarily focus on the origin of Sufism and argue that Sufism is alien to Shi\'i thought. In addition, “waḥdat al-wujūd” (unity of existence), some Sufi practices that are claimed to be “bid‘ah” (unorthodox innovations), and the method of “kashf” (unveiling), which is the method of obtaining knowledge in Sufism, are among the subjects of criticism. Furthermore, the Sufi concepts of “ittiḥād” (union), “ḥulūl” (incarnation), “fanā” (annihilation), and “tajallī” (theophany) are criticized on the basis of the assumption that God and human beings belong to fundamentally different ontological categories. Finally, Sufism is also subjected to criticism regarding “karāmāt” (miracles) which lack rational certainty. This study also aims at times to question the validity of the criticisms based on various arguments and to address the issues objectively.Keywords : Tasavvuf, Tasavvuf Karşıtlığı, Vahdet i Vücûd Eleştirisi, Keşf Eleştirisi, Bidat Eleştirisi