On Ahmad Talib-i Irshadi’s Divan
Authors : Raşit ÇAVUŞOĞLU
Pages : 1-18
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Publication Date : 2017-12-30
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Ahmad Talib-i Irshadi who was a member of Ushshaqiyya branch of Khalwatiyya order was also the founder of Irshadiyya sub-branch emerging out of Ushshaqiyya branch. Some researchers, claimed that Talibi Irshadi was a Bektashi. This claim is problematic because it was a result of a confusion related to the description of the Ushshaqi members or the members of Ushshaqiyya described themselves as “Nazenin-i Ushshaqi”. This definition generally was confused with the expression “Tarik-i Nazenin” used in Bektashi order. This article has three parts. The article discusses the pamhlet sized Divan reflecting Irshadi’s sufistic personality who was one of the poets of the Tekke-Sufi literature in the nineteenth century. The first part gives infromation on the works that studied the Divan of the mentioned author and compares and contrast the manuscripts that newly founded. The second part presents the transcriptions of the these newly founded texts called “müfreds” which have not been published yet anywhere. The third part anaylzes the Divan in terms of form, genre mode-tone and content. The last part also addresses the significant sufistic terms in the Divan.Keywords : Ahmed Tâlib i İrşâdî, Dîvân, Tekke Tasavvuf Edebiyatı, Tasavvuf Şiiri, Uşşâkıyye, Halvetiyye