- Eğitimde ve Psikolojide Ölçme Değerlendirme Dergisi
- Volume:8 Issue:3
- Okul Performansının Katma-Değerli Değerlendirilmesinde Kullanılan Yaygın İstatistik Modellerinin Kar...
Okul Performansının Katma-Değerli Değerlendirilmesinde Kullanılan Yaygın İstatistik Modellerinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi
Authors : Sedat Sen, Seock-Ho Kim, Allan S. Cohen
Pages : 303-320
View : 18 | Download : 10
Publication Date : 2017-09-30
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :The purpose of this study was to compare four popular value-added models used in measuring school effectiveness based on their distinguishing characteristics. In this study, the simple fixed effects model (SFEM), two hierarchical models (UHLMM and AHLMM), and the layered mixed effects model (LMEM) were analyzed using value-added measures obtained from a common data set with two years standard assessment data. Value-added measures obtained from these four models were analyzed to determine the impact of the differences of each model. Correlational analyses were also conducted to see whether there were meaningful relationships among these value-added models. SFEM and UHLMM models produced very similar rank orders of school effects while SFEM and AHLMM had only a moderate correlations. Thus there was not much difference between SFEM and two HLM models in terms of the rank orders of schools. Further, there was no agreement between LMEM and the other models. Bu çalışmanın amacı, okul etkililiğini ölçmede yaygın olarak kullanılan üç katma-değerli modeli ayırt edici özelliklerine dayanarak karşılaştırmaktır.Keywords : Okul etkililiği, katma değerli değerlendirme, katma değerli modeller, hiyerarşik doğrusal modeller