- Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi
- Volume:19 Issue:3
- Kendi Ağırlığının İkiz Dairesel Dolgular İçeren Eğilme Altındaki Öngerilmeli Şerit-Plağın Statik Ana...
Kendi Ağırlığının İkiz Dairesel Dolgular İçeren Eğilme Altındaki Öngerilmeli Şerit-Plağın Statik Analizine Etkisi
Pages : 902-913
View : 23 | Download : 8
Publication Date : 2019-12-31
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :This paper addresses the influence of own weight on the static analysis of the bending of a pre-stretched plate-strip containing twin round shaped inclusions made from the same materials and whose centers are on a line parallel to the free surface. The effects of body forces (own weight) and surface forces (pre-stretching load) on the plate-strip with inclusions are considered together as the initial stresses. The effects of these initial stresses on the analyses of stress concentration around the inclusions within a plate-strip under additional bending load are investigated by the Three-Dimensional Linearized Theory of Elasticity (TDLTE) under the plane strain state. Also, the solutions of the considered boundary value problems are worked out by using the Finite Elements Method. With respect to the results, it was revealed that the own weight of the plate-strip has a substantial influence on the static analysis around the circular twin inclusions within a plate-strip under bending.Keywords : Own weight, Circular inclusion, Pre stretched stress, Static analysis, Finite element method