- Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi
- Volume:20 Issue:2
- Sezgisel Fuzzy Normlu Uzaylarda I-Lacunary İstatiksel Yakınsaklık
Sezgisel Fuzzy Normlu Uzaylarda I-Lacunary İstatiksel Yakınsaklık
Authors : Ömer KİŞİ
Pages : 207-212
View : 24 | Download : 8
Publication Date : 2020-05-20
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :In this study, first, we investigate the notions of I-lacunary statistical convergence and strongly I-lacunary convergence with regards to the intuitionistic fuzzy norm (IFN for short) (μ,ν). Then, we investigate relationships among this new concepts and make important observations about them. Futhermore, we examine the relations among I-lacunary statistical convergence and I-statistical convergence in terms of IFN (μ,ν) in the corresponding intuitionistic fuzzy normed space.Keywords : Ideal convergence, lacunary statistical convergence, intuitionistic fuzzy normed space, Banach space, Cauchy sequence