- Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi
- Volume:24 Issue:2
- On ρ-Statistically Convergence Defined by a Modulus Function in Fuzzy Difference Sequences
On ρ-Statistically Convergence Defined by a Modulus Function in Fuzzy Difference Sequences
Authors : Damla Barlak
Pages : 277-283
View : 98 | Download : 170
Publication Date : 2024-04-29
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :In this study, we first introduced the definition ∆_ρ^m-statistical convergence for sequences of fuzzy numbers using the generalized difference operator ∆^m. Furthermore, we defined the strong N_F^ρ (∆^m,q)-summable sequence set and the strong N_F^ρ (∆^m,f,q)-summable sequence set for fuzzy difference sequences aided by a modulus function f. Subsequently, we provided certain inclusion theorems between these sets and the S_F^ρ (∆^m ) set.Keywords : İststistiksel yakınsaklık, Bulanık sayı dizisi, Modülüs fonksiyonu, Fark dizisi