- Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi
- Volume:13 Issue:2
- Correlogram Based Feature Selectıon For Speaker Identıfıcatıon Usıng Vowels
Correlogram Based Feature Selectıon For Speaker Identıfıcatıon Usıng Vowels
Authors : Figen ERTAŞ
Pages : 14-13
View : 15 | Download : 11
Publication Date : 2000-12-31
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :A correlogrcnn approach to the seîection of text-dependent feaîures m vcweî souncis is invesiigaîed for speaker identificaîion. in the approach, vowel sounds as the idenîity carrying parts in spoken utterances are represented m the form of a correlogram, m whıch the speaker dependent spectral and temporaî information is codsd. Psycho-physiologıcally motivated speclro-temporal correlation with a search algoriihm is introduced to identify the regions vhere the relevanl features are embedded thal are suited to discrimination. We identify Ihefeature regionsfor a set of ındividuaî vowel sounds, and present resulîs on their effectiveness in identifying speakers. Partıculccr to îhe approach is thaî U makes no explicit use of any individîial speech features.Keywords : Correlogram, Vowels, Auditory modeling, Speaker identtfication