- Etnomüzikoloji Dergisi
- Issue:1
- The Hegemony of Europeanism in The Work of José Maurício Nunes Garcia
The Hegemony of Europeanism in The Work of José Maurício Nunes Garcia
Authors : Pedro Razzante VACCARİ, Dorotéa Machado KERR
Pages : 117-127
View : 20 | Download : 11
Publication Date : 2019-03-30
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :It is proposed to study the work of the Brazilian black priest José Maurício Nunes Garcia (1767-1830), considered the greatest national composer of the Colonial Period, from the perspective of the hegemony of Europeanism - of European music that dominated all three phases, mainly Germanic and Italian. From this perspective, one can see how the structure of his work was developed, and with the methodology of Ethnomusicology, it could be considered that it is mostly oriented as a direct importation of Euro- peanism from the XVIII and XIX Centuries, and almost nothing has of Brazilian. This is partly due to his own humble and black origin - grandson of slaves - he had to completely subordinate himself to the will of his hier- archical superiors, both of the Church and of the Royal Court of Rio de Janeiro.Keywords : Avrupa hegemonyası, avrupalılaşma, etnomüzikoloji