Russian-speaking community of the State of Israel
Authors : Tatiana Moshkova
Pages : 1-19
View : 14 | Download : 7
Publication Date : 2018-08-15
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :The subject of the study are the features of the Russian-speaking community of the State of Israel. The author examines such aspects of the topic as: the nature of the community ties that are formed among the Russian-speaking Israelis and the status of the Russian language in Israel. An attention is also paid to the factors that contributed to the formation of a unique identity of the representatives of the « Russian Israel », to the main stages of the evolution of the Russian-speaking community in the political life of Israel and to the formation of the Russian media space. The Russian-speaking community is rightfully regarded as a long-term phenomenon, which is currently an important player in the political arena of the country. The novelty of the study is the implementation of a comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon of the « Russian Israel » on the basis of original sources. The main conclusion of the study: the territorial localization, the preservation of the cultural environment of the country of origin, the special status of the Russian language in Israel and its place in the media space, the maintenance of the community symbols of different nature, the program of socio-political development became the factors of the unification of the Russian-speaking community of Israel.Keywords : integration