- FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi
- Issue:17
- Bir Post-Kolinyal Kahraman Hikayesinin Tarih İle Münasebeti
Bir Post-Kolinyal Kahraman Hikayesinin Tarih İle Münasebeti
Authors : Ahmet AĞIR
Pages : 7-15
View : 11 | Download : 7
Publication Date : 2014-02-17
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Post-colonial theory has offered a new chance in order to be able to reread the texts that were written either directly by the order of a strict colonial rule or by a colonized but native writer or by a writer who aimed to produce texts against this colonial rule. In this article I will try to examine a novel written by a writer who spent most of his time in a colonized country. This approach can provide us with new opportunity to reread a colonized history through the eyes of an Uzbek novelist who observed the personal tragedies under a severe colonization period.Keywords : Post Colortial Theory, Text, Colonial, Uzbek, Colonized History