- FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi
- Issue:17
- Solak-zâde Mehmed Hemdemî Çelebinin Fihrist-i Şâhân`ı ve Diyarbakırlı Şairler Lebib ve Mülhem Efendi...
Solak-zâde Mehmed Hemdemî Çelebinin Fihrist-i Şâhân`ı ve Diyarbakırlı Şairler Lebib ve Mülhem Efendinin Zeyilleri
Authors : İdris KADIOĞLU
Pages : 115-131
View : 12 | Download : 6
Publication Date : 2014-02-17
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :This article is two parts: In the first part, we researched properties form and meaning Fihrist-i Şahan and shortly introduced the work\`s author Solak-zade Mehmed Hemdemi Çelebi. Fihrist-i Şahan\`s manuscript texts which founded libraries; manuscript\`s abdicates and books number given and than we established poems and historians that they have write appendix to this work. Afterwards we researched two poems from Diyarbakır Lebib and Mülhem \`s Eulogies appendix to this work and informed properties form and meaning on the work. In the second part, we established called Fihrist-i Şahan of Solak-zade\`s Eulogy\`s comparative and transcript text. And we added to the Diyarbakir\`s poets Lebib and Mulhem\`s appendix to it.Keywords : Poet, Poem, History, King, Research, Comparison, Manuscript Text