The Christian Influences in Ismaili Thought
Authors : Rami İbrahim MAHMUT
Pages : 83-99
View : 53 | Download : 47
Publication Date : 2023-06-30
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Christian influence is considered important in the development of Ismaili doctrine. While this research was being conducted, many Christian elements were encountered in the Ismaili doctrine. For example, the adoption of the doctrine of the Crucifixion of Christ which is cited in many Ismaili sources is one of them. Such sources even quote exactly what happened to Jesus Christ, based on direct quotations from the Bible. Some Ismaili dais even made a comparison between the Christian cross symbol and the Ismaili symbols; thus, they tried to establish a relationship of similarity between the Cross and Muslim pantheism, which shows the complete acceptance of the doctrine of the Crucifixion. This study examines the Christian influences in Ismaili thought, including the similarity between the Imam\`s character and that of Jesus, that have succeeded in entering Ismaili thought. Accordingly, both characters are connected with the spiritual world and carry a sacred color. It can be said that there is a similarity between the structural organization of the Ismaili da\`wah and the religious structural organization in Christianity. The study highlights some of the overt Christian elements in Duruz thought. These include the spread of the concept of the Christianization of al-Mahdi\`s character among the Druze, and the use of verses from the Bible concerning the Messiah by some Duruz dais.Keywords : İsmaili Doktrin, Hristiyanlık, Dürûz, Çarmıha Germe, Kuran