In What Ways is the State Gendered?
Authors : Canan Çetin
Pages : 7-19
View : 92 | Download : 66
Publication Date : 2023-11-29
Article Type : Review Paper
Abstract :Social daily events are shaped under the influence of various factors. However, among the most crucial factors is the state, formed by the society itself and tasked with maintaining order. The state can shape the routines in our daily lives with the rules and laws it establishes, direct through educational policies, and reinforce the intended messages through media channels. In this context, there exists an organic connection between the gendered state policies and the gendered society. This study originated from the idea of measuring how the state exerts an impact on social daily events through the judiciary and media. Proceeding from here, the aim is to examine how divorce, a phenomenon that could be considered a social daily event and concerns both genders (men and women) equally, is portrayed in judicial decisions and the media. In this way, by analyzing Supreme Court rulings, the intention is to seek answers to questions about what criteria are used to determine fault, and whether a gendered policy effect exists for the party deemed at fault. Similarly, by examining the news provided by the official broadcasting organ of the Republic of Turkey (TRT), using the keyword \"divorce,\" the study aims to find answers to the research question. The study data covers the years 2018 to 2023, and due to the abundance of Supreme Court results, a random selection of 100 verdicts was made, and a thematic analysis was conducted. In the media image analysis, 135 news articles were obtained and all were examined. Headlines were analyzed thematically, and images were examined through visual analysis. In conclusion, the findings support the claim that in Turkey, regarding social daily events, the judiciary and media possess an indirect yet influential role in direction.Keywords : görsel çerçeveleme, cinsiyet temelli devlet, boşanma, cinsiyet algısı, tematik analiz