- KADER Kelam Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Volume:8 Issue:2
- İbn Teymiyye'ye Göre İsmet Kavramı Bağlamında Nebevî Metinlerin Neshi Ve Tebdili Meselesi (II)...
İbn Teymiyye'ye Göre İsmet Kavramı Bağlamında Nebevî Metinlerin Neshi Ve Tebdili Meselesi (II)
Authors : Bünyamin OKUMUŞ
Pages : 147-168
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Publication Date : 2010-07-13
Article Type : Other Papers
Abstract :In the first article -The Concept of Ismah/Infallibility in the Context of the Satanic Verses Incident (The qissah al-gharaniq) in Ibn Taymiyya; the Issue of Abrogation (nash) and Changing (tabdil) of the Prophetic Scriptures (I) ? with regard to the qissah al-gharaniq we tried to point out the infallibility of the divine revelation on the basis of the prophetic infallibility. We also tried to define the phenomenon of the nash (abrogation) in the historical process of the divine revelation. In this article we will emphasize the issue of abrogation (nash) and that of changing or substitution (tabdil) of the Prophetic Scriptures. With regard to reliability of the text of the Quran and the meaning of the term of nash, the paper will also discuss the degree and meaning of the reliability of the prophetic scriptures.Keywords :