Alevi Geleneğinde Toplum ve Aile Kavramı
Authors : Mehmet ŞAHİN
Pages : 263-284
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Publication Date : 2011-02-09
Article Type : Other Papers
Abstract :This study analyses the concept of family according to Alawi?s point of view. In Alawi?s tradition, it is obligatory for an adult individual to promise to obey all rules in Alawi?s society (ikrar). In addition to this, it is obligatory for every married couple to establish brotherhood with another married couple (musahiplik). People who don?t fulfill these two obligations (ikrar ve musahiplik) are still accepted as Alawi, but they don?t have right of taking part in traditional Alawi cerenomies called ?cem?. Musa-hiplik is the most characteristic feature of the Alevi social system. In the Alawi tradition, the concept of family is based on the basis of love, respect, content with what he or she possesses, showing patience, not performing sinful deeds, not having sexual intercourse with someone except his own wife or husband and hold one?s tongue, appreciating woman?s importance and showing respect other peoples?s rightsKeywords :