- KADER Kelam Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Volume:9 Issue:2
- Kâtibi ve Tûsi'de Tanrı'nın Varlığını Zincirlemenin İptali Yoluyla İspatlama
Kâtibi ve Tûsi'de Tanrı'nın Varlığını Zincirlemenin İptali Yoluyla İspatlama
Authors : Murat DEMİRKOL
Pages : 92-130
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Publication Date : 2011-08-16
Article Type : Other Papers
Abstract :Nasir al-Din al-Tûsî tried to answer the criticisms, objections and doubts made by Najm al-Dîn al-Kâtibî to the proofs concerning invalidation of al-tasalsul in proving the existence of God and succeeded in this. Al-Kâtibî was satisfied by some of the answers and did not hesitate to admit it. Inferences and analyses of al-Kâtib î and al-Tûsî who were also great logicians, are highly exact and sensitive. A few points made al-Tûsî stronger against al-Kâtibî are as follows: his saying that the full reason for the chain of infinitive causes are its all parts, his argumentation that two independent causes cannot come together on the result, his emphasize that the sum of causes are different from the parts that constitute the total, and his invalidating the sequence by using the proof of harmony with its new form. Discussions of two thinkers on the matter are much rich in terms of contents as well as method and style. Although objections and doubts raised by al-Kâtibî forced al-Tûsî, more importantly they provided the matter to be examined in details.Keywords : Sequence, possible, necessary, cause, result, proof of harmony