- KADER Kelam Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Volume:11 Issue:1
- Kur'an'da İtaat Kavramı ve Peygambere İtaatin Mahiyeti
Kur'an'da İtaat Kavramı ve Peygambere İtaatin Mahiyeti
Authors : Furat AKDEMİR
Pages : 425-442
View : 12 | Download : 8
Publication Date : 2013-01-30
Article Type : Other Papers
Abstract :- The Term Itâat / obey in the Qur?an and the Nature of Obeying the Prophet - Two terms are directly related our subject: tav? or tav?an in the Qur?an refers to submission while ita?at/obey refers to following a command. It seems this term has a doubl facets in the Qur?an. The first face represents those who are to be obeyed like prophets, parents, etc. the other one represents the second face which prohibits muslims from obeying like atheists, pagans, etc. Accordingly, our paper examines first semantic structure of this term like doing something voluntarily, obeying etc. and then move on scrutinizing its terminological meaning, i.e one that is related to the prophet which is most discussed one in theological context.Keywords :