- Akademik Platform İslami Araştırmalar Dergisi
- Volume:8 Issue:2
- ON THE PROTECTION OF THE QUR’ĀN -in the Context of Verse 9 of Sūrat al-Ḥijr-
ON THE PROTECTION OF THE QUR’ĀN -in the Context of Verse 9 of Sūrat al-Ḥijr-
Authors : Ayşe Aytekin
Pages : 228-242
View : 32 | Download : 62
Publication Date : 2024-08-30
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Divine messages, which are guides and directives for humanity, have been tried to be understood and interpreted from the moment they were sent, but due to human weaknesses, issues and problems, the revelations called books have not been given due attention. Subsequently, the newest, the latest, the most solid and the most definitive source of revelation was sent instead of the Divine books that were distorted or corrupted. The latest and the most perfect of this chain of revelation, which has essentially the same content, assignment, mission and vision, and which confirms, validates and complements each other, is the Holy Qur’ān. This divine word, according to the Creator Himself, will be preserved by Himself. Whether this preservation is in the physical dimension or in the meaning has been a matter of academic debate among scholars. Verse 9 of Sūrat al-Ḥijr is at the center of these debates. In our study, we have endeavored to investigate this verse in its context according to the interpretations of two different schools of commentators. According to the data we have obtained, the Divine word is free from both human endeavors and the interventions of superhuman beings. It will forever be preserved both physically and semantically by its Creator and will continue to be the only, the most unique and the most accurate source for humanity.Keywords : Tefsir, Kurân, Hicr Sûresinin 9 Âyeti, Kurânın Korunması, Taberî, Fahreddin er Râzî