A Close Reading of the Imitation Game
Authors : Anıl Ünal
Pages : 53-64
View : 32 | Download : 51
Publication Date : 2023-10-19
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :This essay delves into Alan Turing\'s \"Computing Machinery and Intelligence\", examining the entrenched the binary opposition between human and machine. Through deconstruction, the essay seeks to reveal and analyze the deeper insights inherent in Turing\'s work. Of particular significance is Turing\'s equivalence between language and thought, particularly in the context of the imitation game. Within the grammatological realm of Turing\'s text, writing and mechanism are nearly interchangeable, representing the intersection of humans and machines. By adopting a deconstructive perspective, the essay illuminates the philosophical origins of the artificial intelligence debates and their implications for our understanding of human existence.Keywords : Turing, Taklit Oyunu, Yapay Zeka, Dekonstrüksiyon, Derrida