- Akdeniz Havzası ve Afrika Medeniyetleri Dergisi
- Volume:3 Issue:2
- Insécurité territoriale et situation alimentaire à l’Extrême-Nord-Cameroun : crise et alternative...
Insécurité territoriale et situation alimentaire à l’Extrême-Nord-Cameroun : crise et alternative
Authors : Hamidou IBRAHİMOU
Pages : 79-91
View : 47 | Download : 20
Publication Date : 2021-12-31
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :In recent decades, the increase in medium to severe food insecurity has been most marked, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Food security in tropical Africa is vulnerable and above all threatened by many factors including climate change and territorial insecurity. There are many Africans whose ability to access sufficient, safe and self-sufficient food under all circumstances is threatened every day. Sub-Saharan Africa then presents itself as the region of the world most affected in terms of food security due to multiple socioeconomic and / or ecological crises. In addition, this region is essentially vulnerable to the influences of fundamentalist groups and terrorist networks which torment the village population. The majority of rural population lives below the poverty line and are particularly dependent on seasonal agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing. This analysis focuses fundamentally on the food situation of the populations of the Far North Cameroon who have suffered from the impacts of territorial insecurity since 2012/2013. This region bordered on the West by Nigeria and in the North-East by Chad is suffering the consequences linked to the security crisis attributable to the multiple terrorist attacks of the Boko Haram organization. A cyclical situation linked to cross-border insecurity thus causing displacement of populations within Cameroon, inevitably leading to overpopulation in certain localities and consequently overconsumption of available foodstuffs; an imbalance which is not without consequences. Therefore, we see that the diet of the northern populations being mainly cereals, the abandonment of agriculture by populations fleeing insecurity radically increases the potential risk of food deficit. The purpose of this reflection is first to describe the local impacts of this territorial crisis on the food security situation in this vulnerable region; then analyze the resilience strategies put in place by the local populations; and finally to determine the role of institutions, organizations and local actors in order to face this delicate situation.Keywords : Boko Haram, in sécurité alimentaire, stratégies dadaptation, Extrême nord