- Konuralp Tıp Dergisi
- Volume:15 Issue:1
- The Relationship between Smoking Status, Carbon Monoxide Levels and Quality of Life, Disease Charact...
The Relationship between Smoking Status, Carbon Monoxide Levels and Quality of Life, Disease Characteristics in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Authors : Yıldız KIRAÇ, Bektaş YALÇIN, Müge USTAOĞLU
Pages : 69-77
View : 12 | Download : 5
Publication Date : 2023-03-15
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between smoking status and exhaled carbon monoxide insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(E-CO); levels, quality of life, and disease characteristics in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Methods: The demographic and disease characteristics and smoking status of 121 patients with inflammatory bowel disease who presented our hospital between 01.12.2020 and 01.03.2021 were investigated. After the first follow-up, the E-CO levels of these participants were measured every four consecutive weeks. The mean of these E-CO readings was accepted as the main E-CO value. After one month after their first application SF-36 Quality of Life Scale was applied. The relationship between these variables was investigated. Results: The mean age of the participants was 42.06±14.9 years, and 36.3% were active smokers. While patients with Crohn’s disease insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(CD); exhibited a higher smoking rate, smokers with ulcerative colitis insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(UC); registered significantly higher mean CO ppm readings insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(p<0.05);. The general health components of smoker UC patients were higher than those of non-smokers insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(p<0.05);. A weak correlation was determined between mean number of cigarettes smoked per day, mean CO ppm, Fagerström Nicotine Dependency Test insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(FNDT);, package year, and the physical and mental components of SF-36 in the UC group insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(p<0.05);. There was a weak negative correlation between mental components and mean E-CO in the CD group insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(p=0.027);. No difference was observed in the non-smoker group between participants exposed to second-hand smoke and those with no such exposure insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(p>0.05);. Conclusion: Our results revealed that smoking has a weak positive effect on the quality of health in patients with UC, but no effect on patients with CD.Keywords : Crohn hastalığı, inflamatuar barsak hastalığı, karbon monoksit, sigara, ülseratif kolit