- Konuralp Tıp Dergisi
- Volume:15 Issue:2
- The Effect of Iron Replacement on Cognitive Functions in Reproductive Women with Iron Deficiency
The Effect of Iron Replacement on Cognitive Functions in Reproductive Women with Iron Deficiency
Authors : Şükran BERKMAN, Özlem SUVAK
Pages : 175-181
View : 29 | Download : 38
Publication Date : 2023-06-22
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :Objectives: Iron plays key roles in brain development including neurogenesis, myelination, synaptic development, energy and neurotransmitter metabolism as well as normal brain functioning. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of iron replacement on cognitive functions in women with iron deficiency. Methods: An intervention study was conducted in 165 women aged 15-49 years with low iron levels insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(ID;hemoglobin >12 gr/dl, ferritin <15 ng/mL); or iron deficiency anemia insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(IDA; hemoglobin <12 gr/dl, ferritin <15 ng/mL);. 165 participants were subjected to 1st Montreal Cognitive Assessment insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(MoCA); scale in order to determine their preliminary cognitive function status. The women were given ferrous glycine sulfate at 100 mg/day insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(for those with ID); and 200 mg/day insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(for those with IDA);, respectively, for eight weeks. Eight weeks later, the 2nd MoCA scale and control hemogram and ferritin tests were administered to 81 patients who came for follow-up and used iron treatment appropriately. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was preferred when two dependent groups were compared, and Mann-Whitney U test was used when two independent groups were compared, and Kruskal Wallis test was used when three or more independent groups were compared. The analyze between age and cognitive function scores was evaluated with the Spearman correlation test. Results: There was not a significant difference between the 1st MoCA scores of patients with ID or IDA in 165 women at the onset of the study. There was a significant increase in hemogram and ferritin levels of 81 patients who received a 200 mg/day iron replacement as expected insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(p<0.001);. Cognitive functions were found to be significantly lower in single women with a high education level and a low body mass index insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(p<0.001);. Average pretreatment MoCA score was 21 insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(min: 18- max:21);, whereas post treatment average score was 26 insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(min:23- max:27); insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(p<0.001);. For all cognitive functions, subgroup scores significantly increased after treatment. This improvement in cognitive functions was determined independently of demographic data. A low negative correlation also was found between age and total cognitive function score insert ignore into journalissuearticles values(r:-0.335, p <0.001);. Conclusion: In this study, we observed that after replacement therapy there was a significant increase in total and subgroup scores corresponding to cognitive functions of women diagnosed as iron deficiency or anemia. Considering the effect of iron replacement therapy on cognitive functions in women in the reproductive period, it should not be neglected.Keywords : Demir eksikliği, demir replasmanı, bilişsel fonksiyon, kadın