Authors : James SLEDD
Pages : 35-42
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Publication Date : 2014-08-21
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :The Outline of English Structure which George L. Trager and Henry Lee Smith, Jr., published in 1951 is generalJy known and widely accepted, at least in the United States, as the best available statement of the English phonemic system and as a stimulating first approach to certain problems of English morphology and syntax. A revised edition is in preparation. Meanwhile, in his notable Manual of Phonology, Charles F. Hockett has attempted a structural restatement of the facts of English stress and pitch as Trager and Smith presented them. In this paper, I shall consider the adequacy of that re-statement. Adverse judgment on so small a part of a rich boo should not conceal my respect for Hockett's work.Keywords : SUPERFIXES, INTONATION, PATTERNS