- Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi
- Volume:4 Issue:1
- Varoşun Üç Hali : “İç Varoş”, “Parçalanmış Varoş” ve “Bütünleşik Varoş”
Varoşun Üç Hali : “İç Varoş”, “Parçalanmış Varoş” ve “Bütünleşik Varoş”
Authors : Hakan YÜCEL
Pages : 53-84
View : 8 | Download : 9
Publication Date : 2016-03-15
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :As an expression of spatial separation fact and social stigmatization `varoş` entered into media rhetoric and then social sciences literature describing old shanties and regions where city`s poor people live to conceptualize the spatial separation and stigmatization, after the incidents at Gazi neighborhood in 1995 and during 1 May 1996. The subjects like usage of varoş to express social/cultural distance, political and cultural identity during the process, usage as a stigmatization word focusing the shanty areas those can resist metropolitan transformation with the capability of solidarity, have been under discussion. However, there is a lack of texts those putting forward and discussing their spatial/social diversities, in other words discussing the different types of varoş and life in the varoş. I believe that it will be important to contribute to the discussions about varoş by addressing it according to the distance from center, internal integration and spatial separation, originating from a TÜBITAK research I had participated. In this paper it is suggested to review and model the varoş, based on physical and social features by the terms of `inner varoş`, `fragmented varoş` and `integrated varoş` with the examples of Tarlabaşı district, Istasyon neighbourhood and Gazi neighbourhood in Istanbul respectively. It is cited that how the varoş people perceive the different types of varoş from the perspective of the youth as the most sociable group living in those areas.Keywords : Mekân, Mahalle, Mekânsal kimlik, Varoş, Varoş gençliği, İç varoş, Parçalı varoş, Bütünleşik varoş