- Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi
- Issue:22
- Organizational Cynicism A Study Among Advertising Agencies
Organizational Cynicism A Study Among Advertising Agencies
Authors : Özlem GÜLLÜOĞLU IŞIK
Pages : 130-151
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Publication Date : 2014-12-31
Article Type : Research Paper
Abstract :This study is about one of those less favorable aspects of work and employee behavior: Cynicism toward the employing organization, in the organizational sciences referred to as organizational cynicism. Cynicism is a somewhat controversial issue. It can be define as a belief that an organization lacks integrity, which, when coupled with a powerful negative emotional reaction, leads to disparaging and critical behavior. The aim of this paper is to examine cynic behavior of the employees in the organization. Therefore, in the first part, cynicism, organizational cynicism and the nature of the concept will be explained theoretically. In the second part, we will share the results of the study conducted in advertising agencies in Kayseri. It is thought that this study contributes to the knowledge on workplace deviance and cynicism an area of research that is almost unexplored in especially ad agencies. In the study questionnaire technic was used and data was gathered from advertising agency employees in Kayseri. There are 23 advertising agencies in Kayseri. A total of 122 questionnaires were distributed from which 88 questionnaires were received by the researcher and this result in response rate of 86% out of which questionnaires were found suitable for the analysis. Data were obtained using the “Organizational Cynicism Scale (OCS),” which was developed by Brandes, Dhartwadkar and Dean (1999). The scale consists of emotional, cognitive and behavioral dimensions. The research hypotheses that were developed based on theoretical knowledge and findings, were tested in the study. Correlation and regression analysis were conducted to test hypothesis. Some demographic variables have been found related with ad employees’ cynicism level like gender, age, education and department. However it has been found that ad agency employees’ marital status, income and year of the service were not related with their cynicism level.Keywords : Cynicism, Organizational Cynicism, Advertising Agencies